In this post I want to explore the idea of using contexts in React to implement dependency injection (DI) in our application.

We’ll cover two things:

  1. What contexts are in React and how they work
  2. Why we care about DI and how we can implement them using contexts.

React and Contexts

Contexts were formalized in React 0.12, and are planned for React 1.0. They are a mechanism for a component to pass properties down to their descendent components. The difference between props and context is that context chains to descendents, whereas props do not.

Let’s take a look at a small example.

import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';

class Parent {
  static childContextTypes = {
    get	User: PropTypes.func
   getChildContext() {
    return {
      getUser: () => ({ name: 'Bob' })
  render() {
    return <Child />;

class Child {
  render() {
    return <GrandChild />;

class GrandChild {
  static contextTypes = {
    getUser: PropTypes.func.isRequired
  render() {
    const user = this.context.getUser();
    return <p>Hello {}!</p>;

In our Parent component, we implement two things:

  1. The childContextTypes static property, which specifies the propeties that this component will provide to its descendent components.
  2. The getChildContext() method, which returns the concrete values for the context.

Our GrandChild component implements the contextTypes static property, which specifies what will be on its context (accessible via this.context).

This is powerful because we decoupled GrandChild’s dependency on a user service to our containing component (Parent in this case).

Note: The Child component does not need to chain the context down to GrandChild. This is different from props where we would need to manually chain all properties down.

Dependency Injection

Dependency injection is a pattern that implements the Inversion of Control design.

In recent years it has gained more mindshare with frontend developers due to the popularity of the AngularJS framework.

The value of DI is that we can depend on abstract ideas instead of concrete implementations. This makes our code much more testable and increases reusability – we’ll see this later.

Example: Random Number Generator

Let’s imagine a component RandomNumber that renders a randomly generated integer between 1 and max.

class RandomNumber {
  static propTypes = { max: PropTypes.number };
  getDefaultProps() {
    return { max: 100 };
  render() {
    const num = Math.round(Math.random() * this.props.max);
    return <p>Number: {num}</p>;

The current implementation couples the component to two functions: Math.round and Math.random. This coupling makes testing impossible, and also makes it impossible to reuse if our random number provider changes.

Using Contexts

Let’s see how the same component looks using contexts.

class RandomNumber {
  // Specify our dependencies.
  static contextTypes = {
    random: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    round: PropTypes.func.isRequired 
  static propTypes = { max: PropTypes.number };
  getDefaultProps() {
    return { max: 100 };
  render() {
    const { random, round } =  this.context;
    const num = round(random() * this.props.max);
    return <p>Number: {num}</p>;

This makes testing very easy because we now control exactly what random and round return to our component.

describe('RandomNumber', () => {
  // The context we want to return. We will rebind this in tests.
  let context;
  // Test container to provide dependencies.
  class Container {
    static childContextTypes = {
      random: PropTypes.func,
      round: PropTypes.func 

    getChildContext() { return context }

    render() {
      return <div>{this.props.children()}></div>
  it('renders number from 1 to max', () => {
    let component, p;
    context = { round: Math.round }; // Binding context.
    context.random =  () => 0.9999; // Hard-coded to return 0.9999
    component = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
      <Container>{() => <RandomNumber max={10} />}</Container>
    context.random = () => 0.499999;
    component = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
      <Container>{() => <RandomNumber max={5000} />}</Container>

We have also increased reusability of our component by allowing late-binding of the random and round functions. If we wanted to provide different rounding strategies we will be able to – say rounding to two decimal places. We can also swap out Math.random with a better number generator if needed and we will not need to touch RandomNumber’s implementation.


We can extend our random number generator example to all services. In the context of Flux, we can use DI for Stores and ActionCreators so that our components are completely decoupled from concrete types.

class AppContainer {
  static childContextTypes = {
    userActionCreators: PropTypes.object,
    userStore: PropTypes.object
  getChildContext() {
    return {
      // ...
  render() {
    // ...

// ... Somewhere deep in our application
class UserAvatar {
  static contextType = { userStore: PropTypes.object.isRequired };
  render() {
    const user = this.context.userStore.getUser();
    return <img src={user.avatarUrl} />;

// ... Somewhere else
class UserLogout {
  static contextType = { userActionCreators: PropTypes.object.isRequired };
  render() {
    const logout = this.context.userActionCreators.logout;
    return <a onClick={logout}>Log out</a>;

Taking It Up A Notch

With ES7 decorators, we can create even nicer abstractions for DI in React.

Let’s take a look at two decarators:

  1. @inject - sets the contextTypes on our component.
  2. @provide - defines childContextTypes on our component and binds the context.
const inject = (injectables) => {
  return (Component) => {
    Component.contextTypes = Object.entries(injectables)
      .reduce((contextTypes, [k, v]) => {
        contextTypes[k] = v.type;
        return contextTypes;
      }, {});

    return class {
      render() {
        return <Component {...this.props} />;

const provide = (providing) => {
  return (Component) => class {
    static childContextTypes = Object.entries(providing)
    .reduce((contextTypes, [k, v]) => {
      contextTypes[k] = v.type;
      return contextTypes;
    }, {});

    getChildContext() {
      return Object.entries(providing).reduce((contextTypes, [k, v]) => {
        contextTypes[k] =;
        return contextTypes;
      }, {});

    render() {
      return <Component {...this.props} />;

If we go back to our earlier AppContainer and UserAvatar code, here’s how we can use the new decorators in our application.

  userActionCreators: {
    type: PropTypes.object,
    value() {
      return /* ... */;
  userStore: {
    type: PropTypes.object,
    value() {
      return /* ... */;
class AppContainer {
  render() {
    // ...

// ... Somewhere deep in our application

  userStore: { type: PropTypes.object.isRequired }
class UserAvatar {
  render() {
    const user = this.context.userStore.getUser();
    return <img src={user.avatarUrl} />;

This is using a concept called higher-order components (HoC). Basically, we use functions (decorators) that take in a component as input and ouputs a component. This allows us to add additional behaviour or metadata to the original component.


In this post we saw how dependency injection can be achieved in React through the use of contexts.

We saw how dependency injection can make our code more testable and more reusable.

Further Readings

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