In this series we are looking at code organization in the context of a React and Redux application. The takeaways for the “Three Rules” presented here should be applicable to any application, not just React/Redux.
Series contents
- Part 1 - Three Rules for Structuring (Redux) Applications
- Part 2 - The Anatomy Of A React & Redux Module (Applying The Three Rules)
- Part 3 - Additional Guidelines For (Redux) Project Structure
As our applications grow, we often find that file structure and organization to be crucial for the maintainability of application code.
What I want to do in this post is to present three organizational rules that I personally follow on my own projects. By following the rules, your application code should be easier to reason about, and you will find yourself wasting less time on file navigation, tedious refactoring, and bug fixes.
I hope that these tips will prove useful for developers who want to improve their application structure, but don’t know where to start.
Three rules for project structure
The following are some basic rules for structuring a project. It should be noted that the rules themselves are framework and language agnostic, so you should should be able to follow them in all situations. However, the examples are in React and Redux. Familiarity with these frameworks is useful.
Rule #1: Organize by feature
Let’s first start by going over what not to do. A common way that projects can be organized is by object roles.
Redux + React:
Ruby on Rails:
It may seem reasonable to group similar objects together like this (controllers with controllers, components with components), however as the application grows this structure does not scale.
When you add and change features, you’ll start to notice that some groups of objects tend to change
together. These objects group together to form a feature module. For example, in a todo app, when
you change the reducers/todos.js
file, it is likely that you will also change actions/todos.js
and components/todos/*.js
Instead of wasting time scrolling through your directories looking for todos
files, it is much better to have them sitting in the same location.
A better way to structure Redux + React project:
In a large project, organizing by feature affords you the ability to focus on the feature
at hand, instead of having to worry about navigating the entire project. This
means that if I need to change something related to todos
, I can work soley
within that module and not even think about the rest of the application. In a
sense, it creates an application within the main application.
On the surface, organizing by feature may seem like an aesthetics concern, but as we will see in the next two rules, this way of structuring projects will help simplify your application code.
Rule #2: Create strict module boundaries
In his Ruby Conf 2012 talk Simplicity Matters, Rich Hickey defines complexity as the complecting (or interleaving) of things. When you couple modules together, you can picture an actual knot or braid forming in your code.
The relevence of complexity to project structure is that when you place objects in close proximity to one another, the barrier to couple them lowers dramatically.
As an example, let’s say
that we want to add a new feature to our TODO app: We want the ability to manage
TODO lists by project. That means we will create a new module called projects
Now, it is obvious that the projects module will have a dependency on todos
. In this
situation, it is important that we exercise discipline and only couple to the “public”
API exposed in todos/index.js
import actions from '../todos/actions';
import TodoItem from '../todos/components/TodoItem';
import todos from '../todos';
const { actions, TodoItem } = todos;
Another thing to avoid is coupling to the state of another module. For example, say that
within the projects
module, we need to grab information out of todos
state in order
to render a component. It is better that the todos
module exposes an interface for projects
to query this information, rather than complecting the component with todos
const ProjectTodos = ({ todos }) => (
{ => <TodoItem todo={t}/>)}
// Connect to todos state
const ProjectTodosContainer = connect(
// state is Redux state, props is React component props.
(state, props) => {
const project = state.projects[props.projectID];
// This couples to the todos state. BAD!
const todos = state.todos.filter(
t => project.todoIDs.includes(
return { todos };
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
import todos from '../todos';
// Same as before
const ProjectTodos = ({ todos }) => (
{ => <TodoItem todo={t}/>)}
const ProjectTodosContainer = connect(
(state, props) => state.projects[props.projectID],
// Let the todos module provide the implementation of the selector.
// GOOD!
// Combine previous selectors, and provides final props.
(project, todos) => {
return {
todos: todos.filter(t => project.todoIDs.includes(
In the “GOOD” example, the projects
module is not concerned with the internal
state of todos
module. This is powerful because we can freely change the structure
of the todos
state, without worrying about breaking other dependent modules. Of course
we still need to maintain our selector contracts, but the alternative is having to
search through a whole bunch of disparate components and refactor them one by one.
By artificially creating strict module boundaries, we can simplify our application code, and in turn increase the maintainability of our application. Instead of haphazardly reaching inside other modules, we should think about forming and maintaining contracts between them.
Now that the projects are organized by features, and we have explicit boundaries between each feature, there is one last thing I want to cover: circular dependencies.
Rule #3: Avoid circular dependencies
It shouldn’t take too much convincing for you to believe me when I say that circular dependencies are bad. Yet, without proper project structure, it is all too easy to fall into this trap.
Most of the time, dependencies start out innoculously. We may think that the projects
module need
to reduce some state based on todos
actions. If we are not grouping by features, and we see a large
manifest of all action types within a global actionTypes.js
file, it is all too easy for us to just reach
in and grab what we need (at the time) without a second thought.
Say, that within todos
we want to reduce state based on an action type of projects
. Easy enough
if we have a global actionTypes.js
file. However, we will soon learn that this is no easy feat if we
have explicit module boundaries. To illustrate why, consider the following example.
Circular dependency example
import b from './b';
export const name = 'Alice';
export default () => console.log(b);
import { name } from './a';
export default `Hello ${name}!`;
What happens with the following code?
import a from './a';
a(); // ???
We might expect “Hello Alice!” to be printed, but in actuality, a()
print “Hello undefined!”. This is because the name
export of a
is not available
when a
is imported by b
(due to circular dependencies).
The implication here is that we cannot both have projects
depend on action types within
and todos
depend on action types within projects.
You can get
around this restriction in clever ways, but if you go down this road I can guarantee you that it
will come to bite you later on!
Don’t make hairballs!
Put another way, by creating circular dependencies, you are complecting in the worst possible way. Imagine a module to be a strand of hair, then modules that are inter-dependent on each other form a big, messy hairball.
Whenever you want to use a small module within the hairball, you will have no choice but to pull in the giant mess. And even worse, when you change something inside the hairball, it would be hard not to break something else.
By following Rule #2, it should make it hard for you to create these circular dependencies. Don’t fight against it. Instead, use that energy to properly factor your modules.
Now that we have our three rules, there is one last topic I want to discuss: How to detect project smells.
Litmus test for project structure
It is important for us to have the tools to tell us when something smells in our code. From experience, just because a project starts out clean doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way. Thus, I want to present an easy method to detect project structure smells.
Every once in a while, pick a module in your application and try to extract it as an external module (e.g. a NodeJS module, Ruby gem, etc). You don’t have to actually do it, but at least think it through. If you can perform this extraction without much effort then you know it is well factored. The term “effort” here remains undefined, so you need to come up with your own measure (whether subjective or objective).
Run this experiment with other modules in your application. Jot down any problems you find in your experiments: circular dependencies, modules breaching boundaries, etc.
Whether you choose to take action based on your findings is up to you. Afterall, the software industry is all about tradeoffs. But at the very least it should give you a much better insight into your project structure.
Project structure isn’t a particularly exciting topic to discuss. It is, however, an important one.
The three rules presented in this post are:
- Organize by features
- Create strict module boundaries
- Avoid circular dependencies
In the next post, we will dive deeper into code examples and learn how these rules can be applied to a React and Redux project.